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ISLSM MEETING ANNOUNCEMENT Name: Minutes of 20th Executive Body Meeting of ISLSM (International Society for laser Surgery and Medicine) Venue : Hotel Radisson Blu Leutiva Date:20 Sept 2013
Meeting Commenced: 7:30pm
President: Dr Aurelia Vaitkuviene President Elect: Dr Sharon krishna Immediate Past President: Dr Jean Abitbol Secretary General: Dr Juozas Vaitkus Treasurer:Dr rajesh Jaganathan List of Attendees Members:- (According to alphabetic order):- Dr Abitbol,Dr Anders, Dr Chen, Dr Juozas Vaitkus, Dr Longo, Dr Oshiro, Dr Oswald,Dr Rau, Dr Sharon Krishna, Sr Smalley. Leave of Absence Members:- (According to alphabetic order):- Dr Atsumi,Dr Aurelija Vaitkuviene, Dr Nimsakul. 1. ISLSM President Dr Abitbol called the meeting to order. As the current Secretary General was not present Treasurer Dr Sharon Krishna was requested to take the minutes of the meeting. 2. He explained that due to two big sponsors withdrawing at the last minute causing a severe lack of finance was the reason that the meeting could not be held as scheduled in Paris and apologised for the same. 3. He also expressed his thanks to Dr Aurelija for conducting the meeting. 4. As per the norm Congress organising president Dr Aurelija was confirmed as PRESIDENT ISLSM 2013-2015. 5. Dr Abitbol placed on record Dr Baruchin wish to resign from position of Secretary General. 7. Dr Sharon Krishna gave the Treasurer report and statement of accounts which was passed unanimously. 6. Dr Abitbol then proposed that younger members have to brought onto the board to rejuvenate the society 7. Dr Sharon Krishna (India) was propoded by Dr Abitbol and seconded by Dr Oswal as President - Elect. This was agreed to unanimously. 8. Dr Chen( Taiwan) was proposed as Secretary - General and agreed to unanimously as Dr Takafumi Oshiro had been requested to be Secretary but Dr Oshiro had declined on behalf of his son due to prior commitments. 9. It was also agreed that President Aurelija can choose a person of her choice who is a member of ISLSM as a CO SECRETARY to work with Secretary General Dr Chen. 10. Post of treasurer - as the account is in Chennai it was unanimously agreed that Dr Rajesh Jeganathan and Dr Sharon Krishna will be authorised to operate the account. 11. Dr Josef V had two requests on behalf of Dr Aurelija . A) To make Dr Aurelija " HONORARY LIFETIME MEMBER" of ISLSM due to all the hard work done by her to conduct this meeting in spite of not being a member of the society. THIS WAS AGREED TO BY ALL THE MEMBERS PRESENT B) To give an amount of compensation to help in paying for the conference. After some discussion it was agreed that Dr Aurelija will present an audited statement of accounts listing income and expenses from all sources to the ISLSM Once the statement is received and if there is a loss ,the amount of the loss will be reimbursed. This will be a sum shall not be more than US$ 2000/ and will be wire transferred to the conference account by Dr Oshiro. This amount will be sent from the membership fees collected by Dr Oshiro from the new lifetime members after the 13th APALMS meeting 12. Dr juanita Anders (President-Elect ASLSM 2014 )was requested to work with the new board and find areas to arrange for greater co-operation and fellowship between the 2 societies 13. The location for the next ISLSM meeting was decided to be in India. The date and city for the meeting will be communicated to the board in 2 weeks by Past President Prof B.Krishna Rau. 14. Proposal brought by Dr Oswal - After each meeting the organising committee will present an audited statement of accounts. Any profit will be shared with the parent society ISLSM. Dr Rau suggested a 50-50 split of any surplus with no participation in loss - MOTION PASSED. Meeting adjourned with vote of thanks to the chair Dr Abitbol and to place on record our thanks to Dr Aurelija Vaitkuviene for conducting the 20th ISLSM with short notice Congress Name: 19th ISLSM (International Society for laser Surgery and Medicine) Congress Venue : BACK BEOM KIM KOO MUSIUM,Seoul,Korea Date:27th November 2011 Contac:Pres.Jin Wang MD.PhD E-mail:[email protected] Homepage: www.islsm.kr, www.islms.org
International Congress Center (ICM), New Munich Trade Fair Center, Munich June 26, 2003
Meeting Commenced: 12.00 Present: President: A. Hofstetter President Elect: H. Kato Immediate Past President: K. Rau Secretary General: T. Oshiro Treasurer: G.J. Glantz-ABSENT Honorary Presidents: I. Kaplan, A. Atsumi, B. Aronoff-ABSENT, N. Nimsakul Executive Committee: T.K. Lee, M. Trelles-ABSENT, F.Soriano-ABSENT, R. Waidelich-ABSENT International Members:- (According to country alphabetic order):- R. Hoffman, M.Z. Chen, J.H. Lee (Li), M.C. Nogueira, H. Albrecht, P. Ascher, R. Baumgartner, P. Berlin, R. Birngruber, F. Frank, P. Kiefhaber, G. Muller, R. Muschter, C. Philipp, G. Stachler, R. Steiner, W. Waidelich, J. Waldschmidt, D. Wallweiner, M. Knight, K. Moore, H. Mosely D. Baxter, V. Oswal, N. Nicolopoulos, I. Theodorakis, S. Licheri, L. Longo, V. Jeganathan, S. Shroff, R. Lubart, A.M. Baruchin, S. Gabay, A. Scherz, T. Arai, N. Daikuzono, T. Fujisawa, D. Hashimoto, Y. Hiki, C. Konaka, M. Marumo, N. Niki, N. Sato, H. Suzuki, F. Al-Wabatan, H. Tajiri, S. Wakamatsu, T. Yonezawa, T. Trobonjaca, M. Pascu, V. Volkov, V. Mikhailov, L.H. Sai, C. Enwemeka, R. Malek, P. Smalley. 1. Opening Positions. Remarks, approval of Agenda Hofstetter opened the meeting with a welcome to the new and old committee members Congratulations were extended to the candidates for the President Secretary and Treasurer The principal focus of this meeting should be on the Agenda item 1, 2 relating primarily to the planning priorities e.g.: election and budget The Agenda was discussed and approved. The Agenda document was noted to also include the Secretary General contact list guidance on responsibilities and functions of the position holders, and a copy of the current ISLSM By-Laws. 2. Apologies, working methods, administrative matters (including ISLSM Bylaws) Apologies were noted from: Shainberg, Lavie, Di Lorenzi Khatri, Lichtenstein, Giler, Tenenbaum. The plan this year is to have a mini-meeting in November in Florence. E-Mail is the main working method thus each ISLSM, member should endeavour to keep their contact details up to date A directive was received from WFSLMS to revise or polish the By-laws, ensuring consistency. The President believes it does not require any, but ought to be distributed among members. 3, Elections, Nominations Following a rigorous yearlong search process the nominees for the board of ISLSM, for the years 2003-2005, are Prof. H. Kato- for President, Prof. A.M. Baruchin- for Secretary General and Dr. V. Jeganathan- for Treasurer as was announced by the search committee. The candidates received an overwhelming support the board. At the same time: Ascher is nominated Honorary President. K. Rau and A. Hofstetter Immediate Past Presidents. Executive Committee Members: W. Waidelich V. Oswal N. Nicolopuolus R. Malek Juah Hong Li Y. Miki T. Oshiro The newly elected officers than had each a short introductory speech presenting their qualifications philosophy and insights. 4, Secretariat location, finances The board accepted by unanimous vote the suggestion Prof. B.K. Rau to set up the Secretariat of ISLSM in Chennai, India. President Kato than order Secretary Baruchin to issue a letter of authorization to Treasurer V. Jeganathan for opening and operating the Bank A/C on behalf of ISLSM, from India. The Executive committee has confirmed the membership dues for 2003 at 100$, paid directly to the treasurer, this dues will eventually include subscription to the new approved Journal. The executive committee confirmed by vote that The Journal of Clinical Laser Medicine and Surgery, cease to be the official Journal of ISLSM, Instead, Medical Laser Application. International Journal for Laser Treatment and Research, will serve from now on as the official Journal. Baruchin will be in contact with those journals. 5, Webpage Oshiro, has done a great job on the initial development of a web site, he created and sponsors a website, of International Medical Laser Information Center (IMLIC) were information concerning WFSLMS and the affiliated organization and societies can be reached. The web welcomes all members of ISLSM. 6. Meetings congresses Kato reported on the joint meeting of the 16th ISLSM and 1st WFSLMS and JaLTA which will take place in Tokyo September 2005. He also announced the establishment of a Kaplan-Atsumi Foundation (KappAFoundation) by the WFSLMS. Nimsakul mentioned the 2004 Shanghai International Conference on Laser Medicine and Surgery as a good occasion for next meeting. Longo expressed his willingness to host the congress in Florence in 2007. |
Prof. (Dr). B. Krishna Rau